Marten Falk plays Capricho Arabe’ by Francisco Tarrega
Stephen Faulk guitar - Modelo Calle’ Carpenteria - #1 Marten Falk is a professional concert guitarist from Sweden. He has toured the world presenting guitar concerts on Classical guitar, Baroque guitar, Vihuela and Russian seven string guitar. He’s also [...]
Rob Mac Killop, Guitarist – Arranger
Rob Mac Killop is a guitarist in Edinburgh Scotland. A few years ago he embarked on a project to explore the music of late 19th century to early twentieth century Spanish composers associated with flamenco music who published their [...]
Moving forward on the next Calle-Carpinteria model, Tournavoz
The next Calle-Carpinteria model is going to be with a Tournavoz. It's a tapered cylinder of thin copper sheet that was used in many 19th century guitars. The tournavoz does a few things, it changes the main box resonance [...]
Finally updated 🙂
This is a new website, updated with the new models I'm building and some new photos of the models I'll continue to make. The first new model is a classical guitar I designed in Summer of 2018. The guitar [...]